Thursday, March 18, 2021

Famous Artwork


Fun fact: we actually did a recreation of this portrait in cinematography where I was the model! I figured it'd be funny to actually Photoshop my face directly onto the painting, so that's why I chose it. This one was definitely more frustrating to figure out because of the angle of the model's face and the lighting. I took a while trying to figure out where to blend it so that it made the most sense. Trying to color match it was really hard too; obviously it's not exact, but I got it as close as I possibly could. For having never done something like this in Photoshop before, I'm pretty satisfied with it!

Monday, March 15, 2021



Not too shabby for someone who has never photoshopped herself into a background before! The background is a picture of a Scottish castle; I chose it because I've been dying to go to Scotland for years. I was supposed to study abroad in the fall, but Covid-19 canceled the program completely so I wasn't able to go to England like I had wanted. I had really been looking forward to being able to visit my ancestral stomping grounds (which are technically both England and Scotland), but I'll get there eventually! Using the pen tool for this assignment was interesting because it's definitely not the same as the pen tool in Illustrator. It took me a few tries to really get things right, so hopefully the next assignment will go a little smoother! I'm glad to be working in Photoshop like this though.



I had a lot of fun doing this project, especially when it came to playing with the colors and different grains/effects. I somehow forgot to do a self-portrait in the original 10 photos, so I went back and added myself into the mix. I guess I didn't want to go super abstract with these because I liked being able to still see what the image was, but in a different light. Since I didn't have time to go out and take 10 new photos, I just used stills I had taken from the past few months (except the self-portrait). I honestly probably could've kept making these if I had wanted to!

Stop Motion with Sound

  I actually didn't use GarageBand for this assignment - I used Ableton Live instead. I'm currently taking Sound in Media and have b...