Monday, February 1, 2021


 This is my calligram project! While watching the tutorial, I immediately thought of the quote "cardinals appear when angels are near" because those are words that I hold close to my heart. My grandmother's favorite bird was a cardinal, so whenever I see them I associate them with her and know that it's her way of saying hi. I was only three when she passed, but I think about her all the time; I used the simple quote "always in my heart" for the heart, and it's in green because she loved the color. The halo is also made up of "cardinals appear when angels are near" as halos are usually associated with angels. It made me very happy using words to create something this meaningful! 

Stop Motion with Sound

  I actually didn't use GarageBand for this assignment - I used Ableton Live instead. I'm currently taking Sound in Media and have b...